Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan

The Chippewa River Watershed Planning Partnership has approved the draft plan for release to the Board of Water and Soil Resources at their Joint Powers Board Meeting on April 19, 2024. Here is a copy of the plan and appendices. This will start the next 120-day review period once the Board of Water and Soil Resources officially receives the plan. Each partner in the partnership will be approving by resolution to adopt the plan for the portions of this watershed in their jurisdiction. It will replace the county water plans for those areas once adopted by the partners.

The Chippewa River Watershed Planning Partnership is working on development of this plan currently. Please find a link to the draft plan below. The plan has been released for the 60 day review 12-20-23.

Chippewa River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan Draft Released 60 Day Review 12-20-23

***Click this link above to access the draft plan.

Chippewa River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan Appendix Draft Released 60 Day Review 12-20-23

***Click link above to access the draft plan appendix.

**Click above for access to the formal review comment table.

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